Trattoria Mandrać

Along with the Volosko harbor after which it was named, trattoria Mandrać justifies its name with its menu. The food served here is typical for a trattoria.

Trattoria Mandrać

Along with the Volosko harbor after which it was named, trattoria Mandrać justifies its name with its menu. The food served here is typical for a trattoria: soups, minestrone, high-quality pasta with homemade sauce, fish, shellfish and squid... all "colored" by the Mediterranean and the sea as the main gastronomic inspirations.
As part of the trattoria, a wine cellar has been opened with a rich enological offer for purchase or tasting with bites of cheese and prosciutto, as well as a "butiga", a shop where you can taste and take home the sumptuous flavors of this region.